Finally Launching My Shop! Grand Opening!

Finally Launching My Shop! Grand Opening!

Finally Launching My Shop! Grand Opening!

Hi Everyone, Gofelem here. After a year of launching my website, I have finally launch my shop page!  While the idea of launching a shop is easy, when it comes to application, there are many variables i had to consider. Regardless, I am very happy that its up now! If you want to learn more about the shop, see the FAQ in the shop( (Whoa, sharing the link kinda feel good now that it’s up ºuº!).

Also, please subscribe to my gumroad’s newsletter if you are interested in getting the latest news about the shop such as new product, or anything related to the shop  by entering your email and clicking the ‘subscribe’ button.

By the way, here is a sample promotion of what Bunyaya mentioned which is the Elemental Spirit Pack.

It’s Free/Pay What You Want. Interested? You can grab it now at ( to get to the digital store! Or go directly to the website url mentioned in the art promotion. Print-on-Demand Merchs are also available in the shop.

I really have not much nothing to say as the FAQs section in my shop has almost covered it all.

Regardless, I hope you will enjoy these products! Wishing you the best, have fun, and take care (^v^)!

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