I am now on Patreon !!

I am now on Patreon !!

I am now on Patreon!

Hello everyone,

after a long preparation and working out a deal/share with the other commercial project I am involve in, just so I can lessen my commitment and be able to work on my personal stuff.
I just launched my patreon! I will be giving more time and focus to my personal projects such as
creating art packs for free and my game project.

Please check my patreon if you want to learn more as I’ve mostly tackled lots of stuff such as who, what, and why.

Thank you and have a good day! Expect an artwork almost weekly from now on :happybounce:

Are you a JRPG fan, or just want to hangout with the Gofelem JRPG Community? I now have a discord for that, feel free to join: https://discord.gg/UDwwD3w 

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